Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Grace Abbott The Mother of Americas Forty-Three Million...

From the humble beginning of Social Work there have been many people who have tirelessly worked, fought, and dedicated their life advocating for the people in our world who are disadvantaged. Furthermore, many of these people have been women who not only were strong enough to fight for the rights of others, but also had to fight the forces whom thought that women where in some way second hand citizens themselves. These women were brave and determined enough to break out of the box that society placed them in, and stand up for the social injustices that they seen taking place, and try to make a difference. Of the many women from the early days of Social Work none fought harder for social reform than Grace Abbott. Grace Abbott spent her life†¦show more content†¦Grace graduated college in 1898 from Grand Island College, and then worked as a High School teacher in her hometown. In 1902 Grace began her graduate studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Grace eventually obta ined her PhD in political science from the University of Chicago in 1909. Grace grew up in an era when women were fighting for their own rights through the women’s suffrage movement. Grace had already realized she wanted to do more than teach on the prairies of the Midwest. She would be exposed to even more injustices when she chose to leave the prairies of Nebraska and travel to Chicago with her sister Edith. In 1908 Grace moved in to Jane Adam’s Hull House which served as a settlement house for the poor, furthermore, Hull house was a place where dedicated and active women worked toward social reform, including the areas of the early feminist movement. This is when Grace began becoming interested in Social Work, which would eventually become her life’s work. Grace spent much of her life in the poorest and depressed area of Chicago’s urban city. Grace was faced with many challenges through her life which included trying to change society’s percepti on of child labor, maternity law, immigrants’ protection, state’s responsibilities to their people, and expanding women’s role in our government. By the time Grace would finish her challenging work she was held in high esteem. Franklin Delano Roosevelt recounted her career asShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesSenior Production Editor. Others deserving special mention for their contributions are Brenda Moorehead and RaeAnn Guns. Last, we want to acknowledge a few people individually. From Dave: To my wife, Terri, for all her support and love. And to my children— Mark, Meredith, Gabriella, and Natalie—thank you for all you do. You continue to be the â€Å"light of my life.† From Steve: To Laura for all that she brings to my life. From Susan: To my husband John, my daughter Katie, and my Mom. Thanks for yourRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesnew initiatives and new management reverse a decline? KPMG (A) – managing change in professional services. Xerox – difficulties with leadership at the global giant. UNHCR – managing change in a global not-for-profit organisation. Burtons (A,B,C) – three stages of a retailer’s development under different leaders. Key: ââ€" Ã¢â€"  = major focus ââ€"  = important subsidiary focus Introduction to strategy Business environment: general Five forces analysis Capability analysis Corporate governance Stakeholder expectationsRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesof Power 283 Abuse of Power 285 Strategies for Gaining Organizational Power 286 The Necessity of Power and Empowerment 286 Sources of Personal Power 288 Sources of Positional Power 293 Transforming Power into Influence 298 Influence Strategies: The Three Rs 298 The Pros and Cons of Each Strategy 300 Acting Assertively: Neutralizing Influence Attempts 304 SKILL ANALYSIS 310 Case Involving Power and Influence 310 River Woods Plant Manager 310 SKILL PRACTICE 311 Exercise for Gaining Power 311 Repairing

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Crusades Paper - 3827 Words

The Crusades were expeditions that originated in completion of a solemn vow in order to deliver the Holy areas from Mohammedan domination. The origin of the word can be traced to the cross. This meaningful cross was worn as a badge on the outer garment of those who took part in these enterprises and also made out of cloth. Since the Middle Ages, the meaning of the word crusade has been comprehended to contain all wars undertaken in the act or practice of pursuing a vow. It was also directed against infidels who were the Mohammedans, Pagans, Heretics, or those under the bar of excommunication. Modern literature has abused the word crusade by applying it to all wars having anything to do with religion. An example would be the voyage of†¦show more content†¦- and into your hands. And because you have fared forth for God, and for right, and for justice, therefore you are bound, in so far as you are able, to restore to their own inheritance those who have been unrighteous des poiled. And my wifes brother will make with you the best terms ever offered to any people, and give you the most puissant help for the recovery of the land overseas. In Asia Minor, they turned to spoils and were nearly all slaughtered by the Turks. Meanwhile, according to the well thought out plan, the four principal armies were to meet at Constantinople and the regular crusade was being organized in the West. The Germans, the French from the north, Godfrey of Bouillon, and the Duke of Lower Lorraine followed the valley the Danube, crossed into Hungary and arrived at Constantinople on December 23rd,1096. Several different groups of Christian leaders would proceed in all directions for the conquest and fight for Christianity in the East. Hugh of Vermandois, brother of King Philip I of France, Count Stephen of Blois, and Robert Courte-Heuse, Duke of Normandy would lead groups of French and Normans across the Alps and were heading towards Apulia where they took the Via Eqnatia to Constantinople and set up troop in May of 1097. The French from the south were lead by Raymond of Saint-Gilles, Bishop of Puy, Count of Toulouse, and Papal legislation. Show MoreRelated The First Crusade Essay1506 Words   |  7 PagesThe First Crusade In The middle of the Eleventh Century The tranquillity of the eastern Mediterranean seemed assured for many years to come, but little did the people know what was ahead . This, thus embark us on a journey back into the First Crusade. In this paper I will be discussing the events that lead up to the first in a long line of crusades. I will also be mentioning the lives of some of the crusaders through letters that they wrote. The crusades were a time of confusion for most peopleRead MoreTechnology and The Crusades1361 Words   |  6 Pagesand The Crusades Many people consider the Crusades as wars of bloodlust, greed, and power. War can be described as an escalated conflict, most commonly over money or other resources. The outcome of war is usually the advancement of one society due to its newly acquired resources or knowledge. If one were to look at the Crusades, and their original purpose, which was to assist Constantinople and free the Holy Land from Muslim control, then one may make the conclusion that the Crusades failed.Read MoreThe First Four Crusades : Effects, Motivations, Contributing Factors Essay1033 Words   |  5 PagesSean McFadden Hist 362z The First Four Crusades: Effects, Motivations, Contributing Factors On honor, the words and thoughts of this paper are my own. I have received no unauthorized help in writing this paper: Sean McFadden In recent decades the First four Crusades have become a major era of historical interest, which has led historians to try and explain these dynamic events. While much of this era has remained a mystery, recent years have allowed historians to learn more and answer some of theRead MoreThe Crusades: Europes Greatest Triumph Essay1082 Words   |  5 PagesWere the crusades worthwhile? The crusades were a number of military campaigns fought from 1095 to 1291, there were nine crusades in total. These battles were fought between the people of the Christian and the Muslim religions. The total purpose of the crusades was to gain control and power of Jerusalem; the Holy Land. The crusades (the Holy wars) were indirectly one of the most important factors in the history of the modernisation of European civilisation . The crusades had a lasting effect onRead MoreEffects Of The Crusades On Western Civilizations915 Words   |  4 PagesConsequences of the Crusades The crusades were a series of religious wars that though they took place centuries ago, they are still often discussed today. The crusades were a religious war between the Christian and Muslim states that lasted years. â€Å"The Byzantine Empire, which had thrived spread over the coastal areas of the Mediterranean†¦now found itself increasingly challenged by the navies and pirates of Isla. The contest between these two sides were to generate seeds of the first Crusade† (Paine 8-9)Read MoreEssay on The Crusades: a Short History by Johnathan Riley-Smith1310 Words   |  6 PagesThe Crusades: A Short History by Johnathan Riley-Smith The Crusades: A Short History, written by British Historian Jonathan Riley-Smith, offers a broad overview of this part of the medieval era, but he also explores how historians have attempted to explain these events in modern terms. Riley-Smith also makes sure to note all major contributors to the Crusade movement and their personalities. Numerous scholars have wondered whether this was a political or religious mission. This helps to sparkRead MoreWhy Were The Crusades?1389 Words   |  6 Pages WHY WERE THE CRUSADES STARTED SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR C. PAUL KING CHHI-301-B06 LUO BY KEVIN SCOTT WILLIAMS JUNE 29, 2015 â€Æ' Why Were the Crusades Started Most have heard of the crusades of the middle-ages or at least heard of some famous people such as Pope Urban II, Richard the Lionheart or others. Whether you see the crusades as events that tried to promote Christian values in a pagan territory or of you see the crusades as chivalrous knights fight for a valiant cause one will stillRead MoreSuccesses Of The Third Crusade1339 Words   |  6 Pages Successes of the Third Crusade Bryce Murzyn Mrs. Carrol MYP World History Period 1 4/23/17 Word Count: 1108 Table of contents Page Identification and Evaluation of Sources . . . . . . . . 1 Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . 3 End Notes . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Identification and Evaluation of Sources This investigation attempts to answerRead More The Crusades Essay1479 Words   |  6 PagesThe Crusades The Crusades were Christian military expeditions undertaken between the 11th and the 14th century to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims. â€Å"The word crusade, which is derived from the Latin crux (cross), is a reference to the biblical restriction that Christians carry their cross.†1 Crusaders wore a red cloth, cross sewn on their tunics to indicate that they had assumed the cross and were soldiers of Christ. What were the real causes of the crusades and how did all of it finallyRead MoreThe Crusades and Their Failure to Spread the Message of the Church and Chritianity 1011 Words   |  5 PagesThe Crusades, starting in the eleventh century, were attempts by the Western Church to rid Europe of the new formulated and invading Muslims. Many Crusades had transpired over the centuries, including both a children’s and peasant’s crusade, in attempt to keep the new religious threat at bay. Many popes, kings, and rulers spent a great deal of money, time, and eff ort into these wars, but many ended up failing in their original purposes. However, much can be said about the success of these crusades

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Obesity as a Social and Medical Problem Essay - 1316 Words

Obesity has become an epidemic in our over indulgent North American society. In addition to body image issues, obesity causes significant health issues. Society often views obesity to be a disease when it is actually a sign of a disorder, genetic or environmental. The percentage of our population that is growing overweight is increasing every year, and can become a very serious issue if it is not dealt with urgently. Problems relating to self-confidence, self-consciousness, and isolation can occur as a result. An enduring problem in today’s society, especially with children, has to deal with sociality. Public appearance is very important to us and when we don’t look good, or have a low self-esteem, it can lead to further issues,†¦show more content†¦Many children and youth have fewer opportunities to be physically active at school as physical education classes and time spent being physically active at school have been reduced. Being overweight or obese has many risks involved. Serious conditions such as a stroke, high blood pressure, and Type 2 diabetes, can occur as a result, just to name a few. Linked with health problems is a poor diet. Variations in our food environment have made it challenging to maintain a healthy weight. Society tends to want to eat more fast-food rather than cooking at home because it is cheaper and less time-consuming. We have become lazy when it comes to our diets. We don’t take into consideration the Food Guide and basically eat what we want, when we want. Obesity is also a major drain on the economy. The amount of money being spent on health care because of obesity-related diseases is astronomical. The Globe and Mail had an article headlined, â€Å"Obesity costs economy up to $7-billion a year† (Picard). By eating right and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, our society can cut down economic costs drastically. All we need to have is some discipline, the proper diet, and exercise. Numerous children today are spending less time exercising and more time in front of the TV, computer, or video-game console. Even worse, some schools have banned the use of balls used at recess. An article in the TorontoShow MoreRelatedEssay about Childhood Obesity1310 Words   |  6 Pages If it being looked deeper with or without we realizing, obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, and all this evidence suggests that the situation is likely to get worse. In developed regions such as Europe, the United States of America, and in Australasia, the prevalence is high and increasing but in some developing countries even more extreme situations exist. For example, using World Health Organization standards for obesity, more than 70% of the adult Polynesian population in SamoaRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Is Disturbing The Financial And Social Stability Of The United States1481 Words   |  6 PagesAn Obesity epidemic is disturbing the financial and social stability of the Uni ted States. As stated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services â€Å"our modern environment has allowed these conditions to increase at alarming rates and become highly pressing health problems for our nationâ€Å"(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Efforts made by authority figures have been enforced to solve this severe crisis. Obesity has become a concerning problem in the United States. This epidemic isRead MoreMedication Can Help Reduce Childhood Obesity Essay841 Words   |  4 Pagesthat childhood obesity can be very harmful for our nations children. Not only can obesity cause health problems but also psychological problems. In recent years, policymakers and medical experts have expressed alarm about the growing problem of childhood obesity in the United States. While most agree that the issue deserves attention, consensus dissolves around how to respond to the problem. One literature review examines one approach to treating childhood obesity: medication canRead MoreEffects Of Obesity On Children Health1139 Words   |  5 PagesEffects of Obesity on Children Health Obesity is a serious medical and psychological condition that affects children, adult, and elderly people. According to WHO, People who are above the normal weight for their age and height are called obese. Childhood obesity has been problem in developed as well as in developing countries. As Cause, it is accepted that increase in obesity results from an imbalance between abnormal intake of unhealthy food and drink and also unable to burn calorie. There is increasingRead MoreThe Economics Of Obesity And Obesity1180 Words   |  5 PagesEconomics of Obesity Obesity’s presence has reached much larger magnitudes than ever before in human history. 33% of adults and above 20% of children in the U.S. are classified as obese as concluded by Duke University (â€Å"Over a Lifetime†). Although obesity appears to be strictly a medical problem, many new studies are showing that obesity is linked to numerous factors such as society, technology, politics, and economics. As a result of multifarious fields, reducing childhood obesity in the U.S. isRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Argentina, Argentina1586 Words   |  7 Pages Childhood Obesity in Buenos Aires, Argentina Malaijah D. Thompson University of California, Los Angeles Childhood Obesity in Buenos Aires, Argentina There are many indicators of poverty. One indicator of poverty is obesity; it mostly affects families in low socioeconomic levels. Obesity has become an epidemic rising across the globe. Recently, childhood obesity is becoming a prevailing problem in the urban areas in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Argentina’s rates are rising at a levelRead MoreDisease Trends and the Delivery of Health Care Services Essay1457 Words   |  6 PagesServices Final Project Axia college 1/15/2012 Many health care professional have great concerns about the growth of the aging population, chronic disease and the epidemic of obesity, and how will the United States healthcare system prepared for this continuing epidemic. The fact that the aging population along with obesity epidemic is a global healthcare concern, many health cares’ professional is baffled about how to address the growing epidemic that many American’s will face. . According toRead MoreThe Problem of Obesity in Chicago743 Words   |  3 PagesInsurance Reviews two to three news articles Determines a local community health care issue Paper answers following questions: o How long has it been a problem? o How has it affected the community? o How has the community responded? Pediatric obesity seems to be one of the key problems found in communities in Chicago according to a Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center of Chicago study that sampled six communities in Chicago over the space of more than two years (January 2002 through May 2004). ResearchersRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Obesity Essay1598 Words   |  7 PagesObesity is a prevalent condition in America that undeniably leads to a plethora of health complications, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression. However, while medical interventions can be useful for addressing obesity, treating it as a purely medical condition can decontextualize this growing issue. Additionally, it can support the use of ineffective but potentially harmful treatments by a group of disproportionately empowered medical professionals and industries, that are incentivizedRead MoreObesity The Problem Of Children!. Are You Aware Of1662 Words   |  7 Pages Obesity the problem of children! Are you aware of that over million American children are struggling with obesity? Obesity is a serious medical and psychological condition that affects children, adult, and elderly people. According to WHO, People who are above the normal weight for their age and height are called obese. Being overweight an early age has been global problematic. As Cause, high number of obesity results from an abnormal intake of unhealthy food and drink and also unable to

Oedipus Paper - 857 Words

In terms of the human experience, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave reveals that most humans would rather know the truth and suffer rather than be fed a lie for their entire lives. This idea is reflected in Sophocles’’ Oedipus the King because Oedipus seeks the truth and suffers greatly when it is found. Plato’s four stages of awareness are necessary for the final form of the good, which is the truth, to be found. In both the Allegory of the Cave and Oedipus the King, these four stages of awareness; Imagination, Belief, Reason, and Understanding, take a vital role in explaining Oedipus’ suffering. To begin with, Plato would argue that Oedipus’ imagination shadows him from the real truth. Oedipus has not been king for very long and has so much†¦show more content†¦He is almost blinded by this contradiction. This holds true when Oedipus says ,†I did not grasp it fully. Repeat your statement.† (22) Oedipus does not grasp what Tiresias says because he is not used to having people disagree or contradict what he thinks and says. Oedipus is completely blinded by Tiresias’ contradiction to his reality. Plato’s third stage of awareness, Reason, is also reflected with Oedipus. Plato states that if one is within the third stage of awareness, that â€Å"he will see him in his own proper place, not in another.† (Plato 4) This idea says that if one enters the third stage of awareness, he understands who he is by new hypotheses. This applies to Oedipus when he says, â€Å"O God! I think I have just called down on myself a dreadful curse. . . not knowing what I did.† (Oedipus 43) Oedipus thinks about the new hypothesis that he made and it now feels more like reality. This is also revealing when he says, â€Å"I am dreadfully afraid the blind prophet can see. But tell me one more thing that will throw light on this. Was Laius poorly attended, or did he have a big bodyguard, like a king?† (44) Oedipus asks many new questions regarding his life with this situation, not knowing that his fate is already sealed. Lastly, Plato would argue that the last stage of awareness, Understanding, is clearly displayed at the end of Oedipus’ reign. As Oedipus realizes what he has done, he cannot live with himself. OedipusShow MoreRelatedOedipus Reaction Paper639 Words   |  3 PagesReaction Paper on Oedipus The King World Literature Oedipus the King, also known by the  as Oedipus Rex, is an   tragedy  written by  Sophocles.  It was the second of Sophocles s  three Theban plays  to be produced, together with Oedipus at Colonus  and then  Antigone.  Oedipus Rex  chronicles the story of  Oedipus, a man who becomes the king of Thebes who was destined from birth to murder his father  Laius  and marry his mother  Jocasta. The play is an example of a classic tragedy, noticeably containing anRead MoreOedipus Rex Research Paper2420 Words   |  10 PagesDramatic Research Paper (Grade 92) â€Å"Oedipus Rex† by Sophocles Introduction/Thesis â€Å"Oedipus Rex† was a Greek Tragedy written by Sophocles in the fifth century BC. It was the first of a trilogy of plays surrounding the life of Oedipus. Sophocles wrote over 120 plays approximately 100 years before Aristotle even defined a tragedy and the tragic hero. Aristotle’s definition of a tragedy is â€Å"†¦ an imitation of an action of high importance, complete and of some amplitude; in language enhancedRead MoreA POSITION PAPER ON SOPHOCLES’ OEDIPUS REX2713 Words   |  11 PagesTHE KING WEARS A SHADES AS THE SUN SHINES BRIGHT WHICH MAKES HIS DAYS DARKER AND DARKER EVERY SINGLE DAY (with some relations to the Philippine Government and setting as a whole) A POSITION PAPER ON SOPHOCLES’ OEDIPUS REX REGULANO, Jean Paula Bermudez 2011-05787 HUM 1 X Oedipus Rex’ knowledge, which served as his gut against the others to be the King of Thebes, is only limited to the information on his people and his environment, excluding the information about himself due to his blindness andRead MoreOedipus Rex Research Paper1035 Words   |  5 PagesOedipus Rex Oedipus Rex is one of the most well written plays. Oedipus Rex has a tragic flaw which leads to his destruction. Oedipus’ flaw leads him to suffer and arouses Pity and Fear from the crowd; Scared that it could happen to them. The Unity of Plot has a beginning, middle and end, along with that Oedipus grows in knowledge about his birthing, but is ignorant for not realizing he brought the problems on Thebes. Oedipus is a confident, wise and strong-willed character, but these characteristicsRead MoreWriting Is Good - Writing1761 Words   |  8 Pagesspaceship by wood. It would be red, white, and blue,† I wrote. I took my page to Ms. Gibbs to get approval and to make sure there were no errors in spelling and grammar. She approved my work and handed me the â€Å"official paper† for the book. I had to make sure to write extremely neat so the paper would not get messed up. About a month later, she told the class that our book had been entered into a contest with the rest of the second grade and we won. My excitement was comparable to the excitement of MalcolmRead MoreWas Oedipus Responsible For His Own Fate?1384 Words   |  6 Pages Was Oedipus responsible for his own fate? Oedipus, the King Harmanjot Singh Parmar, 578087686 Vancouver Island University Author note This paper was prepared for Liberal studies, Section 250, taught by Mark Blackell Oedipus-the king is a true Greek novel in all sense. It is a tragedy at heart and explores variousRead MoreGreek Tragedy Written By Euripides And Sophocles1150 Words   |  5 PagesSean Lucander World Drama English 3000 Dr. Martyniuk Paper #1 Greek theater production dates back as early as the sixth and fifth century BCE (Gainor, Garner, and Puchner 4). Greek tragedies written by Euripides and Sophocles are some of the most famous (Gainor, Garner, and Puchner 4). The tragedies written by these playwrights are well known and the audiences are able to enjoy the story and message portrayed by the actors and chorus. Greek theater designates tragedy as the result of: the demiseRead MoreThe Tragic Hero Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1599 Words   |  7 PagesRachel Conley Mr. David Rasnake English 1020 November 10, 2015 Paper 3~ Tragic Hero What is tragedy? What makes someone or something a tragic hero? A tragedy is â€Å"A serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior face and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion elicits the pity or terror† (Merriam-Webster). Tragedy can be a good or a bad thing in life. Also, depending on what the tragedy is, it should have a powerful impact on our lives. A tragedy can changeRead More The Genius by Frank O’Connor Essay1666 Words   |  7 Pagespresenting the relationships that exist between the boy and both his mother and his father. The Greek word ‘Oedipus’ means ‘swollen foot’ and, in Greek mythology, Oedipus was a Greek prince who married his mother and murdered his father. The strong attachment of a son to his mother combined with unconscious feelings of rivalry and hostility towards his mother was called the ‘Oedipus complex’ by Freud who was a famous psychologist. In the story, however, although the boy clearly prefers hisRead MoreThe Truth Of Courage : Socrates, Oedipus, And Antigone2414 Words   |  10 PagesLiterature Final Paper David Bollert December 1st, 2014 The Truth of Courage Courage is often a measure of our self-esteem and will, seen as a great subject for ancient Greeks. It is what makes us individuals different from others, showing what we believe and the power of belief over our will. In Greek literature it can often be seen as the difficult path—an unconscious act of boldness, but before all it is the conscious decision of a person to act despite the danger. Socrates, Oedipus, and Antigone

The Never Before Told Story on Statement of Purpose Graduate School Sample Essays That You Must Read

The Never Before Told Story on Statement of Purpose Graduate School Sample Essays That You Must Read There are many jobs available abroad. You might have to teach undergraduate classes inside your field and conceivably even design a training course. Teachers like you stumble in all shapes and sized, needless to say. It's great for teachers, counsellors and leaders who are employed in a multicultural atmosphere. Career Center counselors are readily available to. A Grad admissions essay is a significant portion of the Grad School admissions process. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Experience for a Student 1. So How About Statement of Purpose Graduate School Sample Essays? Paragraph 4 would be made better by details about just what the practice included. Keep in mind, the idea you decide to speak about can tell an admissions committee a whole lot about you. Be specific in regards to subject matter and preferred forms. When it's possible, use actual examples to highlight your finest qualities. Lies You've Been Told About Statement of Purpose Graduate School Sample Essays Financial analysis is essential to comprehend, project company. Provided that the right questions are asked by you, you're likely to get the info that is quite acceptable to choose on a building that comes with a policy that fulfills your approval. You will soon locate the official data about us. You may recycle the very same information, but be certain you change the presentation to fit each individual program. If you can't be strong for your customers, then you are not likely to be in a position to give them with the support they require. It is possible to also get several discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, along with make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. There are a number of reasons why you need to prefer our services. The Secret to Statement of Purpose Graduate School Sample Essays For some individuals, however, it might not be advisable. Going to graduate school gives an edge on someone with regard to adding skills and knowledge that are vital in the modern job marketplace. It's important to recognize certain things about the program that interest you, and the way you're make the most of those opportunities. Having to settle on a university that is appropriat e to my ambition is an important choice, one which can't be taken in haste. EssayEdge is the major application essay editing service on earth. Don't be concerned if the writing feels raw as you're working out what you would like to say. Our website is just one of the most appropriate for essay help. You can rely on the very best essay help online. The very best writing emerges through a process of reflection, but nonetheless, it also requires craft and attention. Read these to get a notion of what things to expect when writing yours. Talk about what a wonderful scholar you're. The actual folks highly praise our essay help site. What is Truly Going on with Statement of Purpose Graduate School Sample Essays Another benefit of our website is the quickness. If you have kids, they will need to make adjustments too. Aside from saving time as you're able to reuse the templates each time necessary, you likewise don't need to pay high fees whenever you should make financial statements. Templates might also be helpful when you're trying to lose or maintain your present weight. Statement of Purpose Graduate School Sample Essays - Dead or Alive? Last, you ask yourself within this paragraph why you made a decision to select the job, but you needn't provided an answer. Attempting to be funny and witty isn't a prudent idea in such a significant paper for a statement of purpose. When there's one last bit of advice I want to provide you, it's not to use any portion of your statement for a place to earn excuses. In Paragraph 5, you use the word you (But if you wish to attain something) when you're attempting to make an overall statement and aren't actually attempting to tell the reader what things to do. A statement of purpose isn't where to display your academic writing chops. The personal statement isn't a confessional booth. When you feel as though you've written the ideal statement of purpose you can, it's time to receive another opinion. Be certain to continue to write and revise until you're positive your statement is the best it is possible to produce. That means you must make sure that your statement differs. That means you must be sure your statement differs. So you've got to make sure that your statement disagrees.

Effect of Contemporary Music on People free essay sample

The contemporary music such as rap and hip hop have become one of the big entertainment methods to approach people. HIP Hop is a musical art form, Introduced by African-Americans In the rand seventies. It Is an art that rapidly growing in various cultures. Today, the contemporary music such as rap and hip hop is an art form that tells the social message to the community in a vulgar language. The rap and hip hop artists communicates with the society by applying various nouns such as misogyny, violence, and sex abuse. Mary Breasted is a steeling author and a research fellow at Stanford Universitys Hoover Institution. She thinks that rap and hip hop music focuses on the social damages wrought by broken homes, family dysfunctions, and absent parents. She says that the contemporary musicians songs reflect the musicians past lifestyle. Breasted;s opinion in regards to rap and hip hop music persuades that it has grown in the influence of deplored themes such as suicide, misogyny, and drug abuses. We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of Contemporary Music on People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, Shelby Steele from The Wall Street Journal says that the motive behind the influence f rap and hip hop culture in youth is the hatred to feelings.He thinks that the rappers behavior is likely to the slaves, who do not desire to feel the loves and fears that bound them to others. He persuades that the contemporary music promotes Bad Naggers thesis to the modern youth as an ideal form of juvenile rebellion. While, Steele does make a reasonable point, but Breasted is more persuasive in regards to contemporary music such as rap and hip hop because of understandable contents, more examples with explanation of rappers songs, and rappers history in regards to their songs. Breasted explains her arguments by showing various examples of artists lyrics to Induce that the rappers and hip hop artists give a fairly accurate message as a part of society. She says that To begin with music particularly popular among white teenage boys, one best selling example of broken home angst is that of the nu metal band know as Papa Roach and led by singer/songwriter Copy Dick Shadows (dubbed by one reviewer the prince of dysfunction).Three members of that group, Copy Dick Included, are self Identified children of divorce. In 2000, as critics noted t the time, their album Infest explored the theme of broken homes and child and teenage rage. (Breasted 2) Breasted gives an example of Papa Roach band who created a song in regards to broken families and teenagers anger toward their parents. Through Breasted paper, she points out that most of the rap and hip hop artists propose a message to the society about the broken families and the impact on childrens life from it.O n the other hand, Shelby does mention that recent contemporary music are Inspired from the Issue of broken homes, but he never mentions the artists songs, In which the subject has been pointed out. He says that, Too many of todays youth experienced a faithlessness and tenuous news even in that all-important relationship with their parents. (Shelby 2) Shelby said that children are observing the failure of active relationships with their parents. However, Shelby never points out that the rap and hip hop artists mentions the lack of nurture through their specific songs. He simple content to view her arguments. Breasted applies the straightforward engage to execute her ideas with a bit of support of statistics. She says that, You look at statistics that 50 percent of parents get divorced, and youre going to get a pretty large group of kids who are poised off and who dont agree with their parents have done. (Breasted 3) Vertebrates arguments are straightforward about the cause of kids choices to rap and hip hop songs, and they do support her stand by showing the statistics. She thinks that the reason behind the rappers songs are merely focusing on the subjects of misogyny, violence, and sex abuse is because of arenas lack of caring to their children. Conversely, Shelby arguments on contemporary music such as rap and hip hop are excessively abstract, and hard to understand his position. He says, But for the most part, the BAN is the imaginations compensation for the all-too-real impotence and confinement that slaves and segregated blacks actually endured.He lives out a compensatory grandiosity a self preening superiority combined with a tricksters cunning and a hyperbolic masculinity in which sexual potency is a vengeful and revolutionary force. (Shelby 1) Shelby is confusing the audience on what his arguments are mainly spotlighting on. Shelby supporting details do not connect to his arguments; while, Breasted directly appoints the arguments about the growing contemporary music in the youth generation.Shelby compares the youth generation with the id eology of slavery. He says that, l think the appeal of the BAN, on the deepest level, was his existential indifference to feelingwhat might be called his immunity to feeling. The slave wanted not to feel the loves and fears that bound him to other people and thus awakened him into an accommodation with slavery. Better not to love at all if it meant such an accommodation. So the BAN felt nothing for anyone and had no fear even of death. (Shelby 2) Shelby expresses that the young generation is following rap and hip hop culture because of slavery, which does not make any sense towards the subject of the article. He says that rappers and hip hop artists create such kind of music because there were inspired from the slave, who were against the feeling of love and fear. On the other hand, Breasted believes that the rappers create vulgar engage music because of their past sorrow life. The hip hop artists childhood was suffered through the lack of parental cultivation, which does connect to the arguments that she mentioned.She utters that, Perhaps even more important, Mine is one of the largest commercially visible targets for parental wrath. Wildly popular among teenagers these last several years, he is also enormously successful in commercial terms. (Breasted 7) Vertebrates arguments in regards to why the rapper artists would follow the genre of vulgarism are straightforward. She has expansible supported her thoughts, but Shells could not connect the ideology between the subject of slavery and the contemporary music.Last but not least, Shells thinks that the modern culture is blamed for the creation of the rap and hip hop artists music on sex abuse, violation, and misogyny. He thinks that the society is responsible to support such kind of talent. Shelves opinion on the creation of the rap and hip -hop is very Judgmental. He thinks that one can infect the culture into the vulgarism. On the other hand, Breasted believe that the increase of sex abuse, location, and misogyny is caused by the careless attitude toward their children.She that most separates it from what has gone before is its compulsive insistence on the damage wrought by broken homes, family dysfunction, checked out parents, and (especially) absent fathers. (Breasted 1) Vertebrates opinion on the cause of growing hip hop culture is persuasive, and it does connect with the subject. Her view on todays hip hop culture growth is more effective than Shelves point of view towards the cause of growing contemporary music.